Acid scrubbing odour management
Ammonium sulphate byproduct for agriculture
The City of Guelph initiated the development of Guelph’s state of the art Organic Waste Processing Facility (OWPF) in 2009. As the OMR (Operate/Maintain/Repair) provider, AIM partnered with Maple Reinders Constructors to develop the process flow, facility layout, and provision of key pre and post-process systems for the facility. Processing Guelph’s source-separated organics (SSO) into clean, nutrient-rich compost, the OWPF has been operating since 2011. Through the use of In-Vessel Aerated Static Pile composting, the facility processes over 30,000 tonnes of incoming SSO into 6,000 tonnes of valuable Category A compost annually. Today the facility receives SSO from the City of Guelph and the Region of Waterloo, serving approximately 622,036 residents.
Wellington Organix Inc currently provides source-separated organics processing services with the City of Guelph’s organic waste processing facility located in the city’s Waste Resource Innovation Centre… Mark and his team have fostered a great business partnership with the City of Guelph, and we look forward to continuing this in the coming years.
David Gordon | Organics Program Manager
Solid Waste Resources | Environmental Services
Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise Services
City of Guelph